Getting there:
On June 27th we departed Piermont, NH to complete the final New England Highpoint. We passed the Presidential Mountain Range, Mount Washington included, and on to Route 2 into Maine. After stopping for lunch at Bob's Roadside BBQ we continued on Route 2 to 95 North in Bangor. Straight up 95 we continued to 157 E into Millinocket. Outside of Millinocket follow the signs to Baxter State Park entrance. That was where we saw the only Moose of the trip.
After setting up camp and making dinner we decided to warm up our legs and to see Moose. Needless to say we took the wrong trail for the Moose, the Roaring Brook Scenic trail. It was a nice little hike any way. Off to sleep (9pm)... At 4:45am we woke up and decided to make an early departure. We ate, dressed, broke down camp, moved the car and departed by 6:15 am
The Helon Taylor Trail:
The Helon Talyor Trail is a steep exposed trail. The most notable thing about the trail is that the last 1.3 miles of the trail is Very Exposed. Winds were steady at 30mph. At the top of the Helon Taylor is Pamola Peak (4,902). The clouds were moving in and the temperature was noticeably lower.
The Knife Edge:
Ok kids, here is where it gets interesting. This section is a test of your physical and mental climbing ability. Both sides are almost completely exposed and in some sections the path is only 3 feet wide in some parts. My descriptions nor the pictures do this section justice. If you want to truly climb this mountain, this route is the "creme de la creme" of this mountain. More rock scrambling to Chimney Peak 4,840'. Yet more descending and climbing... South Peak 5,240'. Finally, to Baxter Peak 5,267', the northern terminus of the AT. What a ride, but little did we know what was left. Summit time 11:21 am.
The Saddle:
The Saddle Trial is basically the less scenic, but just as difficult summit option. The trail itself is a fairly steep treacherous rock slide. Watch those ankles on this one. The great part about this trail is that you can see the entire Knife Edge on the way down.
The Chimney Pond Trial:
You join the Chimney Pond to return to the Roaring Brook Campground in 3.3 miles. By this time it was raining and this trial became a slog to get back to the car and out of the park. Katadhin had thoroughly worn us out with its many different terrains.
The Car:
We made it out in 1 piece. We did check out at 5:20pm and left for pizza. YAY Pizza!
The Pizza and Drive Home:
We happened upon this village pizza run by this Greek family in Palmyra, ME and devoured an order of onion rings and a large pizza inside of 15 minutes. We then hit the road and returned home at 1am.
Next up New York. I need a bear canister.
Photos Here.

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